about me

Jonathan Dunn is an award-winning filmmaker and designer.

Armed with a degree in Documentary Film & Television from the International Film School of Wales, Jonathan forged a way into the industry to create a name for himself with an oeuvre of films and designs that would attract such prestigious clients in the arts world as National Theatre Wales, National Dance Company Wales & National Youth Arts Wales, as well as clients in the business sector such as the BBC, the NHS, the Ministry of Defence, the Labour Party and the Green Man Festival.

His work has taken him around the world, from Denmark to Zambia and he has collaborated with a wide range of other creatives in a variety of different artistic fields. Now he is based in Cardiff and continues to collaborate with his artistic and creative contemporaries whilst also training up-and-coming media professionals in the skills of the industry.

After creating a dense collection of documentary work over the last 15 years, Jonathan has also started forging a fiction film career, starting with a range of short films, including the award-nominated short films 'boat.' & 'Triple Word Score', and currently working on two upcoming feature films.


"It's a gift to find artists that really get what you do and can help show that beauty to others - Jonathan is a master of filming movement in intimate and powerful ways."
National Dance Company Wales

"Jonathan is a talented and disciplined, thorough and detail-oriented filmmaker. My trust in him to work independently on my film ‘The Nightmare’ paid off in spades, I'm hoping to do it again soon!"
Rodney Ascher, Film Director The Nightmare, Room 237

"Jonathan Dunn is a consummate professional. His work is smart, slick and highly intelligent."

"Very professional and always excited to see the finished product because you can guarantee you will be very pleased. This guy has that "something special" and will always be my go-to for anything film-related."
Krystal Dawn Campbell Dance



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