
Number 65 - Mario & Rabbids Kingdom Battle, Um Jammer Lammy, Psychonauts

Mario guest stars alongside Ubisoft's Minion-esque abominations, Parappa the Rapper hands the spotlight to his guitar playing pal, and Tim Schafer goes all weird again. 

Three great games, talked up by three great guys!

Also, learn the answers to questions as varied as: Can Chris continue to engorge his quiz win tally on account of Minty's cross Atlantic phone delay? How many This War of Mine scenarios will Jonathan play through before he suffers a case of mental distress not too dissimilar to the games protagonists? How has Minty spent his tax rebate?

Bonus Level - E3 2019 Special

E3, or the Eideo Eames Eonference, has come and gone once again to delight and disappoint swathes of angry entitled nerds. We take a break from our regularly scheduled chat about three games to tackle the mammoth docket of Everything Nintendo Announced, and Whatever That Thing They Wheeled Out Keanu Reeves For was. We discuss each company's approach to showcasing their upcoming releases and, whilst Jonathan attempts to retain some PokéOptimism, Minty is jumping aboard the Pokémon Hate Steam Train (this is a joke that references the setting of the new games by way of Isambard Kingdom Brunel, and Minty wishes he’d come up with it when we recorded), and Chris is ready to cross oceans to raise a riot in the Pokémon head office! Come and listen to how we somehow talk about 60 games in 45 minutes!!