streets of rage

Number 38 - 9 Hours, 9 Persons, 9 Doors, Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door, Panzer Dragoon Saga

The games start coming, and they don't stop coming, eh?

Tetris Attack, a game in no way connected to Tetris entertains Mr Dow. Mr Booth continues to flit merrily through Labyrinth of Refrain, but also returns to Dead Cells. Mr Dunn brings a veritable cavalcade of games to the table as he continues to make progress in Lonely Mountains, New Horizons, as well as his magnum epic Super World opus in Super Mario Maker 2.

Then, our number 38s. 

Monsieur 'Egyptian Boat' gets tangled in his attempts to talk up the visual novel 9 Hours, 9 Persons, 9 Doors, without, y'know, just explaining the novel itself. Good endings! Bad endings! Layered endings!

Monsieur 'Enclosed Seating at a 60s Diner' gets all fired up talking about the high point in flat Mario's role-playing offshoot Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door. Chapters! Consoles with handles! Battle towers!

Monsieur Completed Task relives Chris' agony at placing Panzer Dragoon Saga too low on the list after a modern replay, by placing it too low on his list after, you guessed it, a modern replay. Artistry! Scale! Parallels to Japanese anime! 

Bleedin' 'eck. How on EARTH are there still 37 games better than these?

Number 40 - Stardew Valley, Super Mario 3D World, Ni No Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch

Today is the start of the week, and therefore the start of another Our Three Cents ODYSSEY!

Can you believe we are now sixty games deep? There's been some crossover, sure, but still, we have now collectively delivered ONE HUNDRED AND EIGHTY monologues about our favourite games. 

'fore we raise this hallowed number to 183, listen out for: a mysterious creak on Minty's audio channel (a genuine prize for ANYONE who gets close to identifying its source - details on our Facebook page!); a deep discussion on secondary school discos; thoughts of Bravely Default 2's refreshing approach to game demos; Jonathan's multiplayer PC smorgasbord; thoughts on the recent Streets of Rage 4; Chris' apology to indie developers who find themselves at the behest of unscrupulous console porting houses; and… of course... some updates on the gang's progress in Animal Crossing. 

Jonathan tells of the bucolic delights of Stardew Valley.
Chris hazily remembers the Ghibli charm of Ni No Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch.
Minty is illuminated by the warm glow and feline embrace of Super Mario 3D World.

Every one of these games are worth your time and attention, and hopefully you'll agree that our 40 minute chat about these wonderful titles is an equally solid way to kill a commute, or a morning lie-in if you're currently furloughed. 

Stay safe. We love you all almost as much as we love video games!