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Number 36 - Super Smash Bros. Melee, Resident Evil 4, VVVVVV

…oh, hello! Didn't see you there. I was just listening to the latest episode of Our Three Cents here.

You won't believe it, but in this podcast, these three little boys tell stories about their favourite games of all time, and in this very episode they're talking up the games they proclaim to be their 36th favourite games ever made. 

In addition, they talk about some of the current games they've been playing. Fancy that, eh? This fella called Chris has been playing some weird title called Ace of Seafood that he reckons is worth a go despite 'defying classification', as well as a title called Adam's Venture which sounds pretty dreadful. Then a wee lad named Jonathan said he's been enjoying a recent remaster of Xenoblade Chronicles as well as an indie title called Hyper Light Drifter on the Nintendo Switch. The final member of the cast, Minty, says he's returned to playing the ludicrously named Tales of Vesperia, alongside a handful of other strangely titled Japanese role playing games. 

Then they all get quite excited about some game about Animals? But to be honest I just glazed over for a bit then. 

Aren't they all busy boys? 

Then the lists! Oh heavens, the lists!

Master Minty tells a story about learning of the Nintendo franchises at the edges of the multiverse in Super Smash Bros Melee.

Master Jonathan talks about the horror game Resident Evil 4, waxing lyrical about its atmosphere, and optional chainsaw controller.

Master Chris praises the simplicity of a game called VVVVVV by a lone developer named Terry that was apparently inspired by the old ZX Spectrum.

What a strange show?! Right, back to it.
