Animal Crossing

Number 37 - Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater 3, Doom, Metroid Prime 3: Corruption

After almost two years in the video game trenches, our heroes, Jonathan, Chris and Minty, have reached number 37 on their lists. 

Jonathan strikes fear into Chris' heart as he nears the end of construction on his Super Mario Maker 2 Super World, and then invites us all to Golf with Friends. Chris tarts up his Animal Crossing island, and beams with admiration at two indie games: Gone Home and Desert Child. Minty treads water with a smidgen of Dead Cells, a pinch of Labyrinth of Refrain, and lashings of hot Disgaea 5.

Bust kickflips and boneless pop shove its with the excellent Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 3. Batter hellspawn with a twelve gauge in the genre-defining Doom. Wrestle with the sombre sense of isolation (but also the Wiimote controls) of Metroid Prime 3: Corruption.

Better than Panzer Dragoon Saga? Why don't YOU tell US.

Number 39 - The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, New Super Mario Bros, Panzer Dragoon Saga

It's a week of - q u e s t i o n s -

Will Minty continue his meteoric quiz comeback?
How is Minty doing with the big bees of Labyrinth of Refrain, a dungeon crawler he hasn't picked up since the beginning of the podcast? 
How many games has Jonathan beaten during a fallow period of self-employment due to lockdown? 
Can you count the number of racing games the boys lavish praise upon in the first fifteen minutes of the episode? 
Why is Streets of Rage 4 so, so good?
Which VR game made Chris feel like he was truly 'in space'?

What is Minty's excuse for playing Skyrim for eleventy billion hours and not 100-percenting the main game?
Is Skyrim worth playing in virtual reality?
Just how 'new' was New Super Mario Bros? 
Why does Jonathan 'not accept' Super Mario Advance as a legitimate 2D Mario title?
Does Minty ever get bored when Chris and Jonathan get all toasty about the Sega Saturn?
And why is Chris simultaneously incredibly excited and dreadfully upset to talk about Panzer Dragoon Saga?

Answers on a postcard, team!