Bonus Level - We've Got Balls!

A baying mob collects outside Our Three Cents towers…
Ten thousand feet stomp in unison…
The floor of the building ripples softly…
A chant erupts from the crowd…

“what do we want?”
“an incredibly deep, and somewhat esoteric dive into the mechanical history of ball-rolling video games!”
“when do we want it?”

Join our trio, and Rasmus Jensen of Bolverk Games, to discuss the humble roots of the genre in Mark Cerny's Marble Madness, through Sega's Super Monkey Ball, Metroid Prime's morph ball, to modern indie titles such as Bolverk's Glyph. 

What makes a good ball roller? 
What makes Glyph one of the best ball rollers?
How did we convince Rasmus to join us when most of the episode ended up just being jokes about balls?!

“Grab a drink, roll some balls!”

Let’s go!