Number 23 - Hotline Miami, DuckTales, Heroes of Might & Magic 3

Are you a gaming virgin? Let the chaps direct you to the very best starter games for those approaching the hobby, tabula rasa. 

This week: Minty chips through his backlog, Jonathan fills in gaps in his knowledge of 16-bit movie tie-ins, and Chris explores a parody game. 

23rd favourite games of all times, you say?

Chris dehydrates himself talking about the hyper stylised, ultra violent Hotline Miami, a "ten out of ten game with an eleven out of ten soundtrack". 

Minty pogos as Scrooge McDuck in DuckTales on the NES, making special mention of its Moon theme - a chiptune classic tied indelibly to a video charting the inaugural flight of a balloon laden Bichon Frise. 

Jonathan hopes to do justice to two podcast faithfuls with his run down of Heroes of Might & Magic 3, a game designed for, in his words, "those who are smarter than me". 

Have these three games ever come up in the same conversation before? No, no they haven't.