Bonus Level - April Fool's Day Special

(beer cascades out of the roof in a long shot of the Simpson's house) 

Did you really believe that Minty would have returned to and, gasp, ENJOYED, Sticker Star, his previously professed least favourite Paper Mario entry?

Did Jonathan and Chris' respective digital purchases on the eShop and App Store of Grasshopper Derby and Seagull Officer really sound plausible?

Did Jonathan's Ancient Kingdom II: The Fire of Old Legends (it spells 'FOOLs' for gawd's sake!) sound too good to be true with its layered systems, ludicrous sidequests, and PC bound limited modern accessibility? 

Did the anarchic spirit of the genuinely real (honestly! look it up!) Don't Sh*t Your Pants ring any alarm bells given Minty's usual penchant for sprawling adventure games and RPGs?

Did the weird spelling of Chequy alert you to the fact that Chris' 16-bit hidden gem was actually hidden to the point of non-existence? 

Is self isolation really getting to us all that much? 

Hope you all enjoyed this silly little aside! Regular programming will resume next week!